Thursday, July 12, 2012

Living on the Edge

It's not hard to do... living on the edge.

It feels as though I'm living in two worlds, balancing the desire to be in one more than the other. Yet the other world demands and wants.... the pressure on my body and soul are excruciating.  *squeezing head with both hands, trying to ease the tension*

It's not difficult, simply ridiculous.

Are you living on the edge? I think most people are, but they just don't have the nerve to announce it to the world.

Our world. Unless you've been living under a rock you would have noticed that this world of ours is going through some crazy times.

I think that's where the edge resides. Between this crazy and chaotic world of wants and demands and the other world filled with unlimited peace, love and joy.

I've heard that nature holds the key to this New Earth people are talking about.  Not sure if nature would want our toxic mind games. Passive aggressive. Judgements. Ridicule. Assumptions. Criticisms. Nature doesn't know these energy vibes.

So, where do we begin?

What will ease the pressure and stress?

What's my part?

.... and where do you fit into all of this?

 As in the words of the Buddha.... "your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it."

I'm curious. Are you living in two worlds? And how are you handling it?

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