It's so lovely to connect with you again through my blog. Today I feel compelled to share with you the importance of getting to know yourself.
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. It's a vital KEY to successfully improving your life!
For example, let's say you're in the middle of a dark cave. You can't see anything. How will you get out? You can feel around and reach for the walls. They are cold and slightly damp, but you follow them along, hoping to find an exit. You don't know how you got in this cave, but you do know you don't like it here. You're KEEN FOR A CHANGE.
If you're craving to improve your life, the first step is to turn the light on and look around to see where you're currently at.
So... where are you currently at in your life?
During consultations I have a process I refer to as signature patterns (or matrix) where the client is actively involved in seeking knowledge about themselves from a higher perspective. Now I know I've mentioned this bird's eye view in yesterday's blog on journalling, but I didn't really go into detail what I meant.
When you are feeling 'stuck' there are thought and behaviour patterns from childhood or past experiences that are hindering your success in life. These patterns keep you cycling through a 'system' of being which are you familiar with, but may not necessarily like. Have you ever repeated thoughts or behaviours you're not particularly fond of? And you say to yourself, "why did I do that... again?!"
Well, in order to make changes to these patterns it's necessary to see them from a higher perspective or a bird's eye view. This way you gain clarity, without judgement. And with clarity comes the power to make changes.
I'll go through the signature patterns exercise with you in a future blog, but for now I wanted to share with you the importance of getting to know yourself.
You can't get out of the cave unless you are seeking knowledge about yourself. Who are you right now in your life? How has life's experiences and patterns affected your life and lifestyle?
I'd like to encourage you to LOOK INTO A MIRROR and ponder upon your current being-ness.
Look into your eyes and see the essence of your soul. Choose to accept yourself wholly. See yourself first with your mind. Your mind has thought patterns from childhood or past experiences as well as the impact of society's constructs.
Then CHOOSE TO SEE YOURSELF DIFFERENTLY than you usually would.
See yourself as a divine being - and feel the love you have for yourself. Feel it with your heart - not your mind. Put your thoughts aside and truly feel the person in the mirror with your heart.
What would you ask the person in the mirror? How deeply do you know yourself? What is your life's purpose? Who are you - really?
I'm very grateful you're reading this blog. I look forward to connecting with you again next time.
Love and hugs,
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