Sunday, June 24, 2012

Choose to have a BAD DAY!

G'Day Everyone!

Are you having a bad day?

It's a dreary Monday and there's no end to the clouds in the sky. I'm feeling the cold temperatures up in the mountains and hence am wearing leggings layered under my pants (again).  Brrrr!!! And YES, I have my funny hat on and even fingerless gloves. Brrrr!!!

This dismal day makes me wonder..... what thoughts did you have this the morning?  Have you ever noticed how your morning thoughts affect the rest of your day?

The thoughts you have when you first open your eyes in the morning can SET THE TONE of YOUR DAY.  Pay attention to what you think after your alarm clock goes off.

Some people have negative or 'down' thoughts on bleak, cloudy days.  Some people have a negative thought pattern throughout every morning regardless of what the weather is doing.

BE WARNED!! Your thoughts are POWERFUL CREATORS OF YOUR LIFE.  Yet you only become what you think if you engage with your thoughts as truth.

Thoughts are not factual. Thoughts are not truth. Thoughts are not knowledge. Thoughts are a condition of the limitations of society's constructs. Whatever you think is the creation of the web of concepts and theories which have been devised by civilisation and the social order.

It is therefore important to explore the impact of your thoughts on the quality of your life.  With this knowledge you have the power to make a conscious choice to create your life as you desire.

So, when you wake-up tomorrow morning. Choose your thoughts accordingly. Choose to create your life as you desire.  If you notice a negative thought pattern say STOP! to it, and then choose to replace it with a positive thought pattern.  PAY ATTENTION to your thoughts and transform them so they align with your dreams and goals. That's the power of positive thinking. You can use it to improve your life.

For an example of how to change your life using thought awareness let's say your morning thought was, "I'll never have enough (money, clients, happiness, etc)." change it to something more empowering such as, "Miracles occur every day." or "I am in control of creating my life... and I choose to be happy today." ... and so on.

I hope this blog was inspiring to you.  As always, I love connecting with you through my blog. I welcome comments, feedback and questions. Would you like me to blog about something you're pondering about?  I am passionate about helping people improve their life with if you need support or guidance I offer Life Coaching and Professional Counselling consultations in person or online.

Happy Thinking!
Carmen Wyld

P.S. For a copy of my book click here.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Would you like power over your chattering mind?

G'day Readers!

So you’ve learned how to multi-task, huh? 

When you were a child you most likely focused on one thing at a time. When you climbed trees you didn’t worry about money. When you played with your toys you didn’t fret about bills. Your family’s issues stayed their own – it wasn’t your responsibility to solve them.  (well, hopefully).

Between family matters and responsibilities, bills and money worries, work situations and trying to fit in some “me” time – whoah! -  life can be pretty hectic! 

Multi-tasking is considered a high skill where you can juggle many tasks at once and be productive in your family and work life.

But what happened to having peace of mind?

Do you crave it?

Even a little?

Perhaps you take some time to escape from the kids by going out for dinner with your friends…. Or soak in a bubble bath… Or indulge in some chocolate… and then more chocolate … and then more….

It’s only a quick break.

What would you say if I said you could have peace of mind anytime and anywhere?

Yup. AND, it’s easy!

I’m going to share with you a technique that will give you power over your chattering mind. (I've got other amazing strategies to share in future blogs too). 

 Right now I want you to CLOSE YOUR EYES and COUNT TO THREE.


How did you do? Did you count to three without any other thoughts in your mind?  If not, try again. Count to 3 with absolutely NO OTHER THOUGHTS in your mind except for the three counts.  If you naturally see images in your mind you might choose to visualise the numbers appear one by one.  (I imagine Sesame Street numbers appearing – Lol! – my brother used to watch a lot of Sesame Street). 

It’s easy – right?

Now do it again. Only this time, count to ten. Take your time because the ten count is more difficult than the three count. And be like a HAWK on your thoughts… NO OTHER THOUGHTS may appear when you’re doing the ten count!

If any thoughts do come up…. then start the ten count over again from the number one.

Try not to fool yourself.  I just tried it and in the background of the numbers I caught thoughts about what sentences to write in the blog.  I had to start again. When the background thoughts are quiet it’s only then that the PEACE OF MIND COMES.

You can do this three or ten count at any time throughout your day.

If the kids are getting rowdy do the three count. Imagine each number bringing you peace of mind. What colour represents peace to you? Is it the colour of a clear blue sky or the passionate red colour of love?  Have each colour appear to you in ways that will ensure you have peace within your mind.

I assure you… it gets easier with practice… so keep it up… at least three or ten times a day!

Imagine the kids running a muck and you’re sitting there with a peaceful grin on your face!

In a future blog I want to take you to the next level where we create an oasis of blissful heaven …. A sacred space that you hold in your mind… and you can go there whenever you feel the need to bring peace throughout your mind, body and soul. 

I’ll share with you my peaceful place… if you share yours. 

But for now, I’m curious….. how many times did you count to three or ten without other thoughts?  And how did this feel to you?

P.S. The picture is of yours truly  - taken next to a beautiful stream in Queensland, Australia.

Many Blessings,
Carmen Wyld
Life Coach and Counsellor

Monday, June 18, 2012

UGH! Got one of those DOWN TIMES happening?

I can remember quite a few down times throughout my life. They are NOT FUN. It can feel like the whole world is against you and you're moving through a heavy fog of emotional burdens. Or you might feel as though you have a chain around your ankles or waist... pulling you backwards.

And, you don't want to move backwards in life!


How many times have you curled in a ball and cried yourself dry?

How often do you feel utter despair? - So much that everyone close to you experiences your misery?

I am an experienced down timer. I felt disconnected from the world.  When I ventured out on my own I felt lonelier and disheartened about life. Geepers. After all, it's a heavy burden to face the world alone. Yet, many people do. And so this deep hurt and loneliness weighs on your shoulders. Whatever your burden in life - it hurts - it's heavy - and it's not fun.

I don't remember how that happened. It became a ritual, or habit for me.  Each time I experienced a down time I consciously choose to go deeper into the heavy emotion. I found myself observing myself feeling negatively.  Whether it was grief, fear or misery I always took time out and went deeper into the emotion with my whole self - mind, body and soul. I allowed my mind the stay in the misery, rather than make excuses and just be happy for the sake of it. I acknowledged my body in the moments by allowing it to cry and shake, rather than stop the tears and be brave

During these turmoil times I learned to recognise a certain pattern - something good always happened afterwards. I called these Rainbows.  I always waited for the rainbow while basking in the misery. I released, rather than suppressed. I honoured myself by allowing each and every precious moment of misery.

This deep moment of respecting myself became a sacred ceremony. No excuses. No judgement. No reasons. Just honouring.

AND, I waited for the rainbow.

it's important to expect the rainbow. After all, everything changes. No matter how deep you are in your misery or other heavy emotion - it will change. 


When you allow yourself to experience the uncomfortable emotions you not only save yourself from suppression in your body or mind, but it also strengthens your spirit. When you are able to feel negative emotions with ease and grace they become not so painful. It is then that you learn different strategies for dealing with difficult situations or problems. You gain power.

Immerse in misery, let it pass and expect the rainbow.

I hope this blog is helpful. It might not be written with excellent grammar and sentence structure today, but it's straight from my heart to yours.

Honour yourself. Love yourself.

All the best,

Image Courtesy of:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Look for What's Fresh!


And what a beautiful day it is today!  The sun is out and the wind is wildly freshening up everything.

I'm curious.... how are you feeling today? If you are low or down - let's shake things up a bit! I want you to feel ALIVE and EXCITED!

I'm sitting in my office - well technically two offices at one time - Lol! - and they say a person can't be in two places at once. I'm in my 'physical' office which is a perfectly sized cabin in the heart of a small country town. My friend and I painted the walls a fern green colour - the colour of healing. And I'm in my online office at the same time. :)

Today I'm here to remind you to feel alive! You know that inner feeling when you are at an amusement park as a child and are feeling really excited about what you might find during the events of the day? That feeling. Where bubbly excitement is simply brewing under surface as you spend each moment of the day in pure bliss as to what blessings and gifts the universe will bring you.


So I'd like to encourage you stretch your arms and legs... rub your eyes and ruffle your hair with your fingers and begin to feel truly alive.

Feel the aliveness of the day by expanding your perception to encompassing the unknown. For in the unknown is new adventure, hope and possibilities. Look for what's fresh!  Expect miracles to occur! You have the ability to create your life by being fully aware in the present moment.

In every moment of your life is something new. Your breath in each moment is new. When you gaze into the eyes of someone you meet, view their soul as divine and give them the opportunity to be 'new' in the present moment. Drop your judgement and expectations.

See people you pass by as if seeing them for the first time. See the places as if through the eyes of a child. Be amazed with your world!

Feel the aliveness of the creation of life. For in each moment - each present moment - life is being created.  YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR LIFE.

Look for what's fresh in how you are creating each moment on earth. Feel the power grow deeply within your being-ness. And know within your heart that you are truly doing your best to Heal the Planet from Within.


With Love and Blessings,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Feel the Power of Your Thoughts!

Good morning! It's crispy cool here again this morning and I don't dare get out of bed until I mentally choose my clothes to whip on quickly.  So I sit here with a beanie on my head and my laptop...well, on my lap. (Quite a suitable name for a computer, huh?)

It's so lovely to write to you. This morning I felt excited to write about the power of your thoughts and how much they influence your life, but also the planet.  I know, I know... how on earth can your thoughts affect the planet?

Well, your thoughts, by themselves, are incapable of realising truth. They are not facts. They are not knowledge, but instead a condition of the limitations of society’s constructs.

Do not believe everything you think. Many thoughts are ‘programs’ you learned throughout your childhood and life’s experiences – these are set within the confines of the structure of society’s structures and rules.

Basically, society has been telling you what to think ALL your life.

However, you only become what you think if you engage with your thoughts as truth. Only then do thoughts transform into a belief system which have the potential to create your reality.

It is therefore important to explore the impact of your thoughts on the quality of your life. Make them more personally suited to you. Carefully, and consciously, choose a way of thinking that will enhance your quality of life and will create the life you desire.

Certain thought patterns have the power to suppress your ultimate potential just as much as other thought patterns have the power to make your dreams come true. Negative thoughts will hinder or block what you desire and emanate a 'negative vibe' into the world. I'm sure you have felt some of these negative vibes. When you walk into a room where someone is entertaining angry thoughts you can feel the tension in the air. This same feeling you get around heavy thoughts and emotions is the same heavy feelling that can be passed onto another person, and then another and another.

Why do people say a smile is contagious? Seeing someone smile or laugh often gives you uplifting feelings. The positive thoughts behind the smile or laugh affect how a person feels and this postiive feeling starts to travel from person to person.

So, thoughts and feelings affect people... but can you imagine how these thoughts affect the planet?  AND, if everyone on the planet were thinking positive conscious thoughts can you imagine how we, as a team of human being, can create a new world? With positive thinking we can create a peaceful and loving world. It's time now...

Watch your thoughts with care and make a conscious choice which ones you want to resonate with. Set free your inner awesomeness!  Emanate a positive vibration into the world and help heal the planet!

If you've enjoyed this day's blog please forward it onto another person... either on twitter, facebook, email, and so on.

Many thanks and warm blessings,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Shamanic healing in the theta brainwave state.

Good Day Everyone!

It’s such a beautiful day today. The sun is shining and the wind brings a nip of crispy coolness to the day.

I often take for granted what I know in my heart about healing and inner work. When I was first taught Reiki I was already familiar with the universal energies through chi gong and martial arts. When I began doing ‘hands on healing’ I immediately found myself in a deep meditative trance-like state. I had no words for this state of healing until I came across Vianna Stibal’s method she calls Theta Healing.

A few people have been wondering what Theta Healing is or what it actually means to do healing in the Theta state. For me, it’s challenging to describe in words so I did some research.

Theta brainwaves have been associated with day-dreaming, or just before or after sleep when you’re in that‘sleepy state’ (Saxby & Peniston, 1995). It has also been linked with meditation or hypnotherapy. Delta brainwaves are the deeper states of mind as they occur when you are sleeping. The beta brainwave state is when you are alert and has also been connected with anxiety or confusion, while the alpha state is more relaxed and connected with feelings of well-being (Saxby & Penison, 1995).

So… how does healing in the Theta brainwave state work?

In a study by Saxby & Peniston (1995) it was demonstrated that Alpha-theta Brainwave Neuro-feedback Therapy was successful in the treatment of alcoholics and depression. In this particular research they taught the participants how to move into a state of relaxation and then to visualise changing the thoughts and behaviours that were related to them being an alcoholic and depressed. This deep state of meditation shifted their beliefs and changed negative patterns.

In hypnotherapy a person experiences a Theta state of relaxation which allows the mind to disengage from daily tasks and focus on transforming negative thoughts and beliefs to positive ones. In this creative mental state changes can take place easily, and without the need for judgement.

Also, for many centuries Shamans have used the alpha or theta brainwave state to elicit natural healing processes (Winkleman, 2002). Through chanting, singing, dancing or drumming they would move into this altered state of consciousness (Winkleman, 2002). In an altered state of consciousness a shaman knows a person’s soul and the matrix of their being as well as the accompanying blockage, whether it is of the mind, body or soul.

So we can see that an altered state of consciousness can change a person’s way of thinking and feeling in the world. Even Thorn (2004) describes a method for changing cognitions for controlling chronic pain. By identifying the hindering thought or belief one then has the power to change the negative pattern to decrease pain, suffering, stress and behavioural patterns (Thorn, 2004).

I’m hoping this brief journey and description of healing in the theta state is helpful. In this deep meditative state a person’s life can greatly and sometime instantaneously improve by changing beliefs and thoughts that are not yet aligned towards their ideal life and lifestyle. After all, health, happiness and abundance are a natural state for us.

The term ‘Theta Healing’ is not a new method of healing but the term itself was recently coined by Vianna Stibal. In her book she describes a method of healing which works in the deep meditative Theta brainwave state to dissolve or transform blockages and beliefs which are hindering a person’s success in life.

I have my own natural process for shifting into this trance-like state when I perform healings. I have a strong belief in the healing powers of mother earth and often take time to listen to her wisdom. Perhaps one day I'll come up with a name for this method?

Wishing you many delightful moments throughout your day.

Much Love,



Saxby, E. & Peniston, E. (1995). Alpha-theta brainwave neurofeedback training: An effective treatment for male and female alcoholics with depressive symptoms. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51(5), pp. 685-693.

Stibal, V. (2006). Theta Healing. Rolling Thunder Publishing.

Thorn, B. (2004). Cognitive therapy for chronic pain: A step-by-step guide. Guildford Press.

Winkleman, M. (2002). Shamanism as neurotheology and evolutionary psychology. The American Behavioral Scientist, 45(12), pp. 1875-1887.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Get to Know Yourself More Deeply

Good Day Everyone!

It's so lovely to connect with you again through my blog. Today I feel compelled to share with you the importance of getting to know yourself.

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. It's a vital KEY to successfully improving your life!

For example, let's say you're in the middle of a dark cave. You can't see anything. How will you get out? You can feel around and reach for the walls.  They are cold and slightly damp, but you follow them along, hoping to find an exit. You don't know how you got in this cave, but you do know you don't like it here. You're KEEN FOR A CHANGE.

If you're craving to improve your life, the first step is to turn the light on and look around to see where you're currently at.

So... where are you currently at in your life?

During consultations I have a process I refer to as signature patterns (or matrix) where the client is actively involved in seeking knowledge about themselves from a higher perspective. Now I know I've mentioned this bird's eye view in yesterday's blog on journalling, but I didn't really go into detail what I meant.

When you are feeling 'stuck' there are thought and behaviour patterns from childhood or past experiences that are hindering your success in life. These patterns keep you cycling through a 'system' of being which are you familiar with, but may not necessarily like. Have you ever repeated thoughts or behaviours you're not particularly fond of? And you say to yourself, "why did I do that... again?!"

Well, in order to make changes to these patterns it's necessary to see them from a higher perspective or a bird's eye view. This way you gain clarity, without judgement. And with clarity comes the power to make changes.

I'll go through the signature patterns exercise with you in a future blog, but for now I wanted to share with you the importance of getting to know yourself.

You can't get out of the cave unless you are seeking knowledge about yourself.  Who are you right now in your life? How has life's experiences and patterns affected your life and lifestyle?

I'd like to encourage you to LOOK INTO A MIRROR and ponder upon your current being-ness.

Look into your eyes and see the essence of your soul. Choose to accept yourself wholly. See yourself first with your mind. Your mind has thought patterns from childhood or past experiences as well as the impact of society's constructs.

Then CHOOSE TO SEE YOURSELF DIFFERENTLY than you usually would.

See yourself as a divine being - and feel the love you have for yourself. Feel it with your heart - not your mind. Put your thoughts aside and truly feel the person in the mirror with your heart.

What would you ask the person in the mirror? How deeply do you know yourself? What is your life's purpose? Who are you - really?

I'm very grateful you're reading this blog. I look forward to connecting with you again next time.

Love and hugs,

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What to do with your Journal Writing....

Good day! It’s a beautiful sunny day in Queensland, Australia and after a week’s worth of rain the blue skies look absolutely delightful. 

Today I wanted to return to our adventure together as we explore your inner thoughts and the patterns you noticed while journaling.  You can do this process with any journal you’ve written. It’s quite an enlightening experience.

Get your journal now and do a quick bird’s eye view of it by scanning it for negative words. Negative words include things such as “don’t”, “can’t”, “doesn’t”, “doubt”, “stuck”, “stressed”, “anxious”, “miserable” or heavy emotions such as “sad”, “depressed”, “angry” or “frustrated”, and so on. I’m sure you will find other negative words other than the ones you are reading here  - you understand the context of your writing - but these words will give you an idea and get you started.

Circle the negative words individually. Do not include the whole sentence when you are scanning and circling, we just want the words themselves. Some negative themes might come in two word phrases and its okay to circle both words then. (But no more than two words in one circle).

Once again scan and circle to make sure you pick up all the negatively spun words.  You are looking for words that are judging, critical, down, hindering your success, sabotaging, and so on. It’s important you identify all of them. Circle them without judgement. This is just a process of discovery, certainly not a judging contest about who has the most or least negative words/circles.

The next step is to circle all the POWER WORDS with a DIFFERENT COLOURED PEN or MARKER. The different colour is necessary so later you will be able to see it from a holistic perspective. The power words are ones such as “believe”, “seek”, “can”, “will do”,  “accept myself”, “positive”, “strength”, or uplifting emotions such as “happiness”, “joy”, “love”. As before, be open to discovering any single words or two word phrases that indicate an uplifting feeling or are positively worded. As it is your writing, you will understand the context of it and therefore will be easily able to find the positive vibed words. Make sure you circle them all …. and with a different colour than the negative words.

Your habitual thought patterns define your life. By journaling you reveal the patterns. In this exercise of circling the words individually you can clearly see whether your thoughts are more positive or negative.

Positive thought patterns have the power to create or improve your life. Negative thought patterns keep you stuck in a certain cycle.

What direction do you want your life to take?

In a future blog I’ll be writing about how to change your thoughts so they are successfully aligned towards your dreams and goals. Please let me know if this BLOG has been helpful to you, or if you'd like anything clarified or more indepth.

Until next time… watch your thoughts with care!  Be a witness to the life you are currently creating.

Much Love, Carmen