Laughter Yoga changed my life.
When I became a Laughter Yoga Leader I discovered the healing qualities of this unique yoga workout. Over a two day session our group went through a variety of laughter activities which released stress, exercised our internal organs and created a unique connection between us.
For me personally, the weekend of laughter released a lot of pent up stress and anxiety. You see, anxiety was a ‘normal’ state of being that I learned throughout my childhood. These patterns of thoughts and behaviours insisted that I feel a certain amount of anxiety and stress … every day … to feel ‘normal’. However, after a weekend of laughter this stressed state of mind and body were gone and I felt like a different person. In its place I felt peace and serenity. It was as if Laughter Yoga gave me the permission to NOT feel anxiety and stress and instead use the movements of laughing to release the negative emotions. When you laugh with your whole body it is a similar movement to crying. Your whole body is engaged in the release of stuck energy. After this energy was released I was happy, but I also gained clarity of thought and understanding.
In Laughter Yoga you don't need to be happy to laugh, and you certainly
don't need a reason to laugh. Laughing yoga involves a variety of fun laughing yoga exercises using the imagination and child-like play to encourage laughter. As you probably know from your own experience,
laughter is contagious, so once you start laughing you find yourself smiling
throughout the day.... often for no particular reason... and with a giggle or a
snort not far behind.
I was rather surprised one day when my daughter said, "Mum, you have a new laugh." And I did. It was a rather odd laugh, and one that I wasn't particularly fond of..... which made me rather embarrassed… but I LAUGHed! It seems that once you're aware of laughing, through Laughter Yoga, you discover a multitude of laughing styles. So go ahead and laugh! You will be pleasantly surprised how much it will improve your life.... after all laughter is the best medicine!
Please enjoy this LOL video for an added giggle to your day!
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