Saturday, March 23, 2013

Drop Your Balls and Get Juicy with Stress Management

Stress management...there are so many techniques!

Are you familiar with stress balls? The ones made of foam that you squeeze?

When I think of it I'm not sure how much stress is relieved when squeezing a ball. I mean, if you rank stress relief techniques on a scale of 1 to 10 with #10 meaning the most effective technique then I would rank a stress ball a point 5.

So, drop your balls and let's get juicy with powerful stress management techniques. There are four stress relieving strategies I use regularly. I believe everyone needs to have an assortment to choose from depending on the type of stressor, situation and time frame you're working with.

1. Generate Endorphins

Laughter can be done any time. Laughter has been proven to trigger endorphins which are the feel good brain chemicals. Endorphins help to manage pain and promote feelings of well-being. In a study by Dr. Robert Dunbar, from Oxford University, laughter that creases the eyes triggers endorphins increasing health and well-being. It's important to make sure your laughter creates a sparkle in your eyes. Get a good hearty, deep laughter going for about 15-20 minutes. I'm sure you understand why this stress management technique is one of my favourites.You don't even need a reason to laugh. You can laugh while doing the dishes, washing the laundry or driving the car. Simply start laughing. You'll be pleasantly surprised how this positively changes your day too. :) I'm a trained Laughter Yoga leader and when facilitating Laughter Yoga we use a variety of fun exercises to generate laughter.... and endorphins.

2. Thought Awareness

In your mind are thoughts that may be creating stress. Your thoughts are not truth, but are in fact a creation of society's constructs and past experiences. By keeping a thought diary you can become familiar with the thought patterns running in your mind, and then choose to change this to relieve your stress. You might like to read moire about thought awareness and keeping a thought diary on my personal development website:

3. Meditation

There are many different forms of meditation. My preferred forms of meditation are present moment awareness ones. In each moment you have the power to still your mind, and create your life. It's quite easy. For example, when you are eating pay attention to each bite. Choose one of your favourite foods and focus on the texture, the smell and how your mouth waters when you smell it. You might even like to close your eyes while eating. Your worries and fears only exist when your thoughts are in the past or future.... bring your thoughts to what's happening in the moment and naturally feel more relaxed.

4. Be Grateful

There are times in my life when I'm feeling really low. I'm sure most people get these down times. Have you ever felt so sad or anxious that you become numb to the world? It's a terrible feeling. Well, one powerful stress management technique I have found very helpful during these down times is to think of everything I'm grateful for. I think of the things that are special in my life. Being grateful is an instant flick of a switch thought changer from negative and down to positive and uplifting.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why Personal Development?

It's not pure luck that brought you to seek the meaning of personal development. Why personal development anyways? Somehow you know the struggle of life can end with one special key opening the door to a successful life.

Disappointed with how your life has panned out so far? Living a boring life, just paying the bills and going through the motions?

You certainly don’t have to! It would be an absolute shame to let life just pass by, without excitement, thrill and blissful happiness coming your way.


The Struggle with Life
We struggle with life. And the struggle needn’t be a struggle. The struggle starts off with clarity. Or the lack of it.

We aren't able to life a good life because we keep goofing up, stuck in the same old patterns. And obviously, we don't goof up intentionally. We goof up, because we believe in something outside of ourselves. 
We believe that a good life is some kind of luck (when it's not).

We believe every ill-advised and rash self-help guru that we shouldn't trust ourselves, but instead use overworked programs. We believe that healing ourselves and changing our lives is a frustrating process, and it is. Until you discover the structure of personal development. But Why Personal Development?

This website is meant to stop you from believing in the hoopla you've heard before. It's a starting point. Not all the king's ransom. It's mean to get your started on the journey towards deep inner work. So that you can become a meaningful seeker, as well as a creator. 
But why take all of this trouble?
Is holistic personal development so very important? Let's put it this way. If you don't dive into personal development you'll continue doing a loop and feeling stuck. Life can't improve if you do the same things. I mean, if you're dead set on forcing yourself to be satisfied with your old patterns then it doesn't matter the effort you put in.

Why Personal Development?
Most people don't bother about personal development because they think a good life is for rich and successful people. They don't feel obliged to give themselves a suitable song. When we want a good life, they think, we'll rely on others for happiness and satisfaction. They look outside themselves using a funnel to sift out the dirt they don't want to see.

And there's where you're wrong (yup, wrong!), because personal development isn't about copying someone else's life or following blindly down a path that works for others. Personal development is the key to a successful life because it's fine tuning your personal toolbox exactly so it aligns to reach your dreams and goals. You can dramatically change your life by altering your thought processes and transforming sabotaging core beliefs. Invite financial success, love and serenity or peace of mind, to enjoy, cherish and value life like you've never done before!
Holistic personal development can do just that, revolutionize your thought process and permanently change your life for the better!

That's WHY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT! You deserve a better life. Invite personal development into your life by diving into a consultation with me or buying the book to explore your inner world.